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Osteopathic Treatments

Southwestern Osteopathy focuses on facilitating health through non-invaisive manual therapy, helping to strengthen the framework and interrelated systems of the human body. Manual Osteopathic Therapy does not follow any protocols. Treatments are individualized so that they are specific to that patient on that day. The goal of treatment is to help return the body to normal health so it can self heal and self regulate.


Osteopathy is not a medical profession, and therefore Osteopathic Manual Practitioner's do not medically diagnosis. 


Osteopathic treatment is not based on time but rather what your Osteopathic Manual Practitioner deems safe and appropriate within the course of your individualized treatment process. 


Osteopathic Manual Therapy provides gentle movement in an attempt to address structural abnormality to facilitate the body's natural self-healing and self-regulating mechanisms. 




Osteopathy acts as a complementary therapy alongside conventional medicine.

Initial Consultation and Treatment

An Osteopathic Manual Practitioner will review your completed Health History Form with you to ensure that Osteopathic Treatment is safe and appropriate for you at this time. They will then answer any questions or concerns you may have, followed by a thorough informed consent. If appropriate, one of our practitioners will then move forward to provide Osteopathic Manual Assessment and Treatment.

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Follow Up Treatment

Your Osteopathic Manual Practitioner will review any questions or concerns you may have following your previous treatment. They will then conduct a Osteopathic Manual Assessment and Treatment that fits your individual needs for that specific day.

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